Ravi's Personal Blog

23 October, 2007

Mockery of Democracy!!!

There are tons of events happening every moment in India which are discouraging to every moral citizen of India. Blame it apathy of people who are part of government, law & order (legal and police department, Defence) or high population and highest illiteracy rate or attitude of people living in India.

Politicians, lawyers, police, defence people are misusing the power that comes with their jobs in govt. organizations. Every person working in these organization either complacent or after feeding own lust and greed of money for self and family or own people. They are so much pre-occupied with greed for self gains they have no interest or intentions to put efforts towards serving organization vision/mission/objectives.

All of the people of India can see in their day today life, how corrupt is system and how weakly enforced principles of democracy to total failure of system.

Human rights violated by police, defence, politicians, smart lawyers etc. Politicians are using govt. resources to tweak the system for their benefits. Defence personnels use arms and ammunitions against illiterate and helpless citizens. Lawyers are utilizing constituational and legal loopholes to help politicians, coporate world, FII, MNCs to tweak Govt. law and regulations to make quick bucks. Police personnels have nexus with criminals entities in the society. They are busy making quick bucks blackmailing criminals as well as victims using social illiteracy about law, ineffective judiciary system, deficient infrastructures, slow response of government as well as law enforcement authorities.

On overall case, as a responsible citize, you even don't have facts and enough proofs to classify one or even few states which can be called better or good as far best states to live in India. Allmost all states fall into a single category wherein there is pathetic state of law and order. Entire human values, social, legal, economical system is dysfunctional.


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