Ravi's Personal Blog

17 January, 2006

Just Do it!

I'm lazing arround too much nowadays. TV viewing is damn addictive one. I'm spending too much time tv viewing. I gotta get rid of it ASAP.

Today, I got up late. Helped Vin, tidy up home otherwise bit cluttered one as usual. Read Economic times and had Horlicks. Shower, prayer & dressed up.

Had breakfast & rushed Vin to her home. Cleaned car windscreen before 30 mins drive to office. Same chores at office. As usual.

Of late I find myself cribbing about my actions falling short at reaching my high expectations/ambitions. After bit analysis I find my lack of focus and laziness and tv indulgence is to be blamed. I also got fair insight into Self1 vs Self2 thought analysis presented by Timothy Wellway's in his best selling book 'The Inner Game at Work'. Everything concludes into the need to inculcate self-discipline and focus at personal goals, proposed schedule to execute those goals.

Considering my new year resolutions, I see there is loads of things I need to do per week at personal goals itself.

Anyway, Only thing I can say that I need to follow this mantra 'Just Do IT! If you do it, it happens!'

Cheers, Good day!